Advanced Instruments Center
Facilities and Affiliated Research InstitutesThe Advanced Instruments Center, located on the second floor of Building No.7, is open to all students and faculty at the university, and is often used by not only members of the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Life Science but also those of the Faculty of Art and Design and the Faculty of International Studies of Culture. The center is also available for use by other universities and local enterprises. There are 11 measurement rooms equipped with the most advanced analysis and measurement systems, such as an extremely low temperature strong magnetic field physical property measurement instrument, an Automated Multipurpose X-ray diffractometer, an X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer, an open MRI system, and a mass spectrometer (MALDI TOF MS and GC-MS).
The LL Library, a self-study space for students, features a new system for computer-based language learning support, which enables students to receive e-learning materials on or off the campus.