A university leading in unique fusion education in the Humanities,
Science and Art to inspire the globally active next generation.
A university leading in unique fusion education in the Humanities,
Science and Art to inspire the globally active next generation.
A university leading in unique fusion education in the Humanities,
Science and Art to inspire the globally active next generation.
A university leading in unique fusion education in the Humanities,
Science and Art to inspire the globally active next generation.


Chairman Tokihisa Ichinose

Kyushu Sangyo University (KSU) was established in 1960 as a college with the Faculty of Commerce under the Founding Philosophy of “Unification of Industry and Academia”, which means that “the academia must move hand-in-hand with the industry to meet the needs of the society of the times.”Since the foundation, we have grown into a university consisting of 9 faculties and 5 graduate schools, with the total of over 10,000 students. We have more than 140,000 graduates who have been contributing to the society in the areas of business, municipality, art & design, culture, and sports.

We developed the Mid-Term Plan (2021-2030), in which we project ourselves to be “a university leading in unique fusion education in the Humanities, Science and Art to inspire the globally active next generation”. We have made steady progress in the eight focused areas: education, research, globalization, industry-academia collaboration, social and regional contribution, diversity, branding, and governance.

In particular, we focus on developing students to be globally active business persons. As part of this effort, we launched the program called "Stanford e-KyuSan-U" in February 2023, which is an international and cross-cultural educational program tailored for KSU provided by Stanford University SPICE (Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education).

We will continue to develop educational programs that integrate humanities, sciences and arts, and to promote interdisciplinary research. Through these efforts, we will cultivate creative and global talents, and contribute not only to the local community, but also to Japan and the world.

President Taisuke Sakaki

KSU is fostering creative and sensitive talents with expertise, and is taking steady steps towards its bold long-term vision to evolve into a university leading in unique fusion education in the humanities, science and art to inspire the globally active next generation. Such endeavors include the holding of “KSU VISION DAY: Humanities × Science × Art = Exhibition,” in the last academic year. This university-wide event featured keynote speeches and 112 presentations on themes such as research seeds, project-based education, and case studies on university-industry collaboration. During this two-day event, we welcomed 1,300 visitors from inside and outside the school.

During this academic year, KSU launched the Global Food Business Program as a practice-focused educational program that integrates humanity, science, and art. The goal of this program is to develop human resources who can play a central role in the food industry, in which globalization is progressing. KSU also launched its Advanced Programs to support students who are strongly motivated. In this program, students learn specialized knowledge and skills in small groups. The goal of this program is to develop human resources who contribute to society with their upgraded skills.

Seeing times of change as times of opportunity, KSU will continue to focus on student support and educational reform.

Founding Philosophy

Unification of Industry and Academia
The academia must move in close coordination with the industry to meet the needs of the society of the times.

Founding Motto

Promotion of self-awareness as a citizen and the spirit of the middle path Establishment of practicality-oriented academic traditions
It stands for the development of graduates with a broad perspective, an unbounded outlook, and excellent judgment who are capable of playing leading roles in society.
This principles is vital to realization of our funding ideal “Unification of Industry and Academia”.


Kyushu Sangyo University aspires to develop practicality-oriented and passionate human resources with a rich sense of humanity in order to meet the expectations of industrial circles.

Vision towards the 100th Anniversary

The University That Designs New Knowledge and Regions
– Beyond conventions. Beyond constraints. –

Med-Term Plan(2021-2030)

A university leading in unique fusion education in the Humanities, Science and Art to inspire the globally active next generation.