Number of Students and Alumni

About KSU

Number of Students (as of May 1, 2024)

Number of Faculty Students

(Unit: persons)

Faculty Department Number of students
Male Female Total
International Studies of Culture International Studies of Culture 156 188 344
Japanese Culture 112 129 241
Subtotal 268 317 585
Human Sciences Clinical Psychology 115 187 302
Childhood Education 100 224 324
Sport Science and Health 257 105 362
Subtotal 472 516 988
Economics Economics 1,407 223 1,630
Economics (day course)(old) 1 0 1
Economics (evening course)(old) 1 0 1
Subtotal 1,409 223 1,632
Commerce Business and Marketing 1,471 624 2,095
Subtotal 1,471 624 2,095
Collaborative Regional Development Tourism 255 332 587
Regional Development 393 143 536
Regional Development(evening course) 11 0 11
Subtotal 659 475 1,134
Management International Management 0 1 1
Industrial Management 1 0 1
Subtotal 1 1 2
Science and Engineering Information Science 539 60 599
Mechanical Engineering 398 15 413
Electrical Engineering 337 10 347
Subtotal 1,274 85 1,359
Life Science Life Science 241 164 405
Subtotal 241 164 405
Architecture and Civil Engineering Architecture 226 74 300
Housing and Interior 123 127 250
Civil and Urban Design Engineering 192 24 216
Subtotal 541 225 766
Art and Design Fine Arts and Media Sciences 125 192 317
Photography and Imaging Arts 113 125 238
Visual Design 82 260 342
Living Environment Design 94 137 231
Social Design 62 127 189
Subtotal 476 841 1,317
Total 6,812 3,471 10,283

*The Department of Regional Studies of Culture of the Faculty of International Studies of Culture was renamed the Department of Japanese Culture in FY 2008.

*The Departments of Social Information Systems and Intelligent Informatics of the Faculty of Information Science stopped receiving admission applications, and the Department of Information Science was established in FY 2009.

*The Department of Housing and Interior Design of the Faculty of Engineering was established in FY 2010.

*The Faculty of Fine Arts was renamed the Faculty of Art and Design, and the departments of Fine Art, Design and Photography and Imaging Arts(old) stopped receiving admission application, and the departments of Fine Arts and Media Sciences, Photography and Imaging Arts, Visual Design, Living Environment Design and Social Design were established in FY 2016.

*The Faculty of Information Science and the Faculty of Engineering renamed the Faculty of Science and Engineering, the Faculty of Life Science and the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and the departments of Information Science (old), Biorobotics, Mechanical Engineering (old), Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Civil and Urban Design Engineering (old), Architecture (old) and Housing and Interior Design stopped receiving admission application, and the departments of Information Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Life Science, Architecture, Housing and Interior and Civil and Urban Design Engineering were established in FY 2017.

*The department of Clinical Psychology(old) under Faculty of International Studies of Culture, the departments of Commerse(old) and Tourism Industry under Faculty of Commerce, the department of Commerse(old) under Faculty of Evening School of Commerse, and the departments of International Management and Industrial Management under Faculty of Management stopped receiving admission application, and the departments of Clinical Psychology, Childhood Education and Sport Science and Health under Faculty of Human Sciences, and the department of Business and Marketing under Faculty of Commerce, and the departments of Tourism and Regional Development under Faculty of Collaborative Regional Development were established in FY 2018.

Number of Kyushu Sangyo University, Zokei Junior College of Art and Design Students

(Unit: persons)

Faculty Department Number of students
Male Female Total
Kyushu Sangyo University,
Zokei Junior College of Art and Design
Department of Art and Design 78 227 305

Number of Graduate School Students

(Unit: persons)

Degree School Program Number of students
Male Female Total
Master's International Studies of Culture International Studies of Culture 10 21 31
Economics and Business Economics 6 2 8
Business 8 3 11
Information Science Information Science 9 3 12
Engineering Industrial Technology Design 20 10 30
Fine Arts Plastic Expression 27 24 51
Total 80 63 143
Doctoral International Studies of Culture International Studies of Culture 9 3 12
Economics and Business Economics and Business 3 4 7
Information Science Information Science 0 0 0
Engineering Industrial Technology Design 2 0 2
Fine Arts Plastic Expression 7 6 13
Total 21 13 34

*Graduate School of Engineering (Doctoral Programs in Production Systems Engineering, Social Development and Environmental Systems Engineering) stopped receiving admission applications, and Graduate School of Engineering (Master’s and Doctoral programs in Industrial Technology Design) was established in FY 2011.

*Graduate School of Fine Arts (Master’s Programs in Fine Art, Design and Photography) stopped receiving admission applications, and Graduate School of Fine Arts (Master’s program in Plastic Expression) was established in FY 2012.

Number of Faculty and Staff (as of May 1, 2024)

(Unit: persons)

Faculty Number of graduates
Faculty 370(90)
Administration and other staff 284(151)
Total 654(241)

*The figures in parenthese the number of woman.

Number of Graduates (as of March 31, 2023)

Number of Faculty Graduates

(Unit: persons)

Faculty Number of Faculty Students
International Studies of Culture 5,576
Human Sciences 584
Economics 13,598
Commerce 1,264
Collaborative Regional Development 735
Commerse(old) 40,608
Evening School of Commerce 3,706
Management 17,715
Science and Engineering 1,159
Life Science 360
Architecture and Civil Engineering 676
Information Science 1,806
Engineering 30,662
Art and Design 18,079
Total 136,528

Number of Kyushu Sangyo University, Zokei Junior College of Art and Design Graduates

(Unit: persons)

Department Number of Graduates
Art and Design 1,973
Fine Art 1,098
Design 7,140
Photography 1,038
Total 11,249

Number of Graduate School Graduates

(Unit: persons)

School Degree Number of graduates
International Studies of Culture Master’s 254
Doctoral 7
5-year Doctoral 2
Economics and Business Master’s 153
Doctoral 7
Economics Master’s 196
Doctoral 7
Commerce Master’s 199
Doctoral 10
Management Master’s 216
Doctoral 14
Information Science Master’s 100
Doctoral 4
Engineering Master’s 1,192
Doctoral 38
Fine Arts Master’s 763
Doctoral 44
Total 3,206

*The above list does not include 27 students with master’s degrees who are enrolled in the five-year Doctoral Program in International Studies of Culture.

Number of Degree Conferees Other Than Graduate School Graduates

(Unit: persons)

Program Number of graduates
Doctoral (Engineering) 5*1
Doctoral (Literature) 3*1
Master’s (Literature) 27*2

*1: The number of those who partially completed any of KSU’s doctoral programs, and then earned a doctoral degree outside KSU by submitting a doctoral dissertation and passing a prescribed examination and test.

*2: The number of those who partially completed the five-year Doctoral Program in International Studies of Culture and earned a master’s degree.