Kazuhiro Tsuruta Dr. Eng. Professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kyushu Sangyo University
2-3-1,Matsukadai Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 813-8503, Japan
Tel. +81-92-673-5462; Fax. +81-92-673-5642
B.S. :National Defense Academy. Yokosuka, Japan 1988
Ph.D :Kyushu University Fukuoka, Japan 2001
Professional Appointments:
1988-2004 Member of researching staff, Yaskawa Electric Corporation
2004-2008 Associate Professor, Kyushu Sangyo University
2009-present Professor, Kyushu Sangyo University
2009.4-9 Wuerzburg University(Germany) Gestprofessor
Research Interests:
Tsuruta's research covers control theory and its applications to various mechanical systems. A balance between theory and laboratory work is emphasized.The trend in mechanical system design is to replace mechanical complexity with electronics and computers (real time controllers) in order to gain high performance, reliability and flexibility.
His researches are PID control, preview control, sliding mode control, adaptive control, and identification of machine characters. Especially, he is interested in a high precision(nano meter order) positioning system using ultrasonic motor, x-y motion control tables. Recently, he also studies a small electric motor car for remote control and autonomy control.
Furthermore, we are starting research on brain rehabilitation, aiming to reorganize the neurotransmission circuit by giving some stimulus to the five senses of the human body. We are looking for partners to collaborate on this research. Also, we hope to accept graduate students with like minds.
The 2003 electric scientific technology incentive award(Development of auto-tuning method)
The 2004 invention incentive award(Velocity controller)
The 2007 invention incentive award(Online identification of inertia value)
The 2008 invention awarding Fukuoka Prefecture prize(Motor controller)
IEEE-Cyber2017 Finalist of Best Paper Award (Rehabilitation controller using Brain Illusion)
Playing softball, baseball and golf.
High-Speed and High-Precision Position Control Using a Nonlinear Compensator
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kazuya Sato, Takashi Fujimoto
Advances in PID Control, INTECH Open Access Publisher, pp.143-166, 2011,
ISBN 978-953-307-267-8
A Robust Adaptive H∞ Control Method for Robot Manipulators with Input Nonlinearities
Kazuya Sato, Takanori Nakasima, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Theory and Applications of Complex Systems and Robust Control, Tsinghua University Press, pp.247-263, 2010, ISBN 978-7-302-23486-9
Development of Real-time Fault Prediction System Using Artificial Intelligence
Tetsuya Ojiro, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and optimization, pp,362-365, 2021.3
Control Method for Large-sized Gantry Type Linear Motor Slider with High Feedback Gain, Tetsuya Ojiro, Hediki Honda and Kazuhiro Tsuruta, IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization, pp,388-393, 2021.3
A STUDY OF SMART FACTORY WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Tetsuya Ojiro, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference, Mechatronics and Control (MC 2019), December 6 - 7, 2019 Anaheim, California, USA
High precision control model of large-sized gantry-type linear motor slider
Tetsuya Ojiro, Toshiyuki Tachibana, Hideki Honda, So Watanabe, Hiroshi Hamamatsu & Kazuhiro Tsuruta, ROBOMECH Journal volume 7, Article number: 24 (2020)
Control Model for Large-sized Gantry Type Liner Motor Slider,
Tetsuya Ojiro, Hideki Honda, Kazuhiro Tsuruta and Tsuyoshi Hanamoto,
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.137 No.10 pp.746–752 DOI: 10.1541/ieejias.137.746
Concept, results and future topics for the Human Robotics Research Center at Kyushu Sangyo University, Taisuke Sakaki, Kazuhiko Tsuruta, Yong-Kwun Lee, Nobuhiro Ushimi, Koji Murakami, Yoshimi Matsunoo, Yutaka Ichinose, Tshihiko Shimokawa, Yuko Kamiya, Osamu Kikima, Kanta Aoki, Shinya Morishita, Takehiro Tashiro, Hidetsugu Nishizono, 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems
Consideration on Control Method of the Large-sized Gantry-Type Linear Motor Slider,
Tetsuya Ojiro, Hideki Honda, Kazuhiro Tsuruta and Tsuyoshi Hanamoto,
Rehabilitation Controller using Brain Illusion,
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Tetsuya Ojiro, Nobuhiro Ushimi, Kouji Murakami and Taisuke Sakaki, IEEE-Cyber2017, pp.1-6
Study on Control Method of the Large-sized Gantry Type Liner Motor Slider with Distortion, The 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems 2016, DS4G-3-1, T.Ojiro, H.Honda, K.Tsuruta and T.Hanamoto
Development of Servo Controller using ARM32, IEEE-ICARCV2016,
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Sunao Sawada Su32.1
Rehabilitation Robot in Primary Walking Pattern Training for SCI Patient at Home(Refereed Papers) ,
Int. Conf. on NeuroRehabilitation 2016, T. Sakaki, T. Shimokawa, N. Ushimi, K. Murakami, Y.-K. Lee,
K. Tsuruta, K. Aoki, K. Fujiie, R. Katamoto and A. Sugyo pp.1163-116
Research Project of Human-Robotics Research Center in Kyushu Sangyo University(Refereed Papers) ,
The 3rd Asia Future Conference 2016, L.-K. Lee, T. Sakaki, N. Ushimi, K. Murakami, K. Tsuruta pp.188-207
Synchronization Control for Twin-axes Table Drive System
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Tetsuya Ojiro and Hideki Honda, IEEE-IECON2015, pp.5162-5167
Rehabilitation Robot in Primary Walking Pattern Training for SCI Patient at Home,
Taisuke Sakaki, Toshihiko Shimokawa, Nobuhiro Ushimi, Koji Murakami, Yong-Kwun Lee, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kanta Aoki, Kaoru Fujiie, Ryuji Katamoto, Atsushi Sugyo, Proceedings of 17th International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation(2015) , CD-ROM (5pages)
Rehabilitation robot in primary walking pattern training for SCI patient
Taisuke Sakaki, Nobuhiro Ushimi, Koji Murakami, Yong-Kwun Lee, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kanta Aoki, Kaoru Fujiie, Ryuji Katamoto, Atsushi Sugyo, Yoshimitsu Kihara and Kenji Tateishim, The International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation(ICNR2014) , CD-ROM-SS1.2.2
Vibration Suppression Control for Twin-drive Table System
Tetsuya OJIRO, Kazuhiro TSURUTA, and Hideki HONDA,Procs. of The 12th International Conference on Motion and Vibration (MOVIC2014),CD-ROM-3A21(2014)
Vibration Suppression Control using Nonlinear Observer for Table Positioning Systems
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Tetsuya Ojiro, Nobuhiro Ushimi and Taisuke Sakaki
2013 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), pp.481-485
October 31-November 2, 2013/ Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea
Safe Control of Omnidirectional Mobile Robots in Consideration of Trouble Detection
Nobuhiro Ushimi and Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications(CA2013),
pp.195-200, August 26-28, 2013 Honolulu, USA
Vibration Suppression Control for Multiaxis Table Drive System
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Tetsuya Ojir, Nobuhiro Ushimi and Hiroshi Shibata
Procs. of IEEE-ICMA, pp.1135-1140, 2013
Sliding Mode Compensator for Improving Robustness of Phase Locked Loop for Encoderless Servo Drive
N. A. Baloch, K. Inomata, S. Morimoto, K. Ide, and K. Tsuruta
Procs. of IEEE-IECON, pp.3691-3696, 2012
Robust Adaptive Trajectory Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robot with Compensation of Input Uncertainty
Kazuya Sato, Masahiro Yanagi and Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Journal of System Design and Dynamics, Vol.6, No.3, 2012, pp.273-286
Adaptive positioning control using adaptive velocity estimator
Kazuya Sato, Shinichiro Obata, Jun Nomura and Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Procs. of SICE Annual Conference 2011, pp.2590-2595, 2011
High-Speed and High-Precision Position Control Using a Sliding Mode Compensator
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kazuya Sato, Nobuhiro Ushimi and Takashi Fujimoto
John Wiley-Scripta Journal, EEJ, Vol.174, No.2, 2011, pp.65-71
Adaptive Friction Compensation for Linear Slider with adaptive differentiator
Kazuya Sato and Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Preprints of the 5th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, pp.467-472, 2010
Adaptive compensation method of friction forces using differential estimator
Kazuya Sato, Shin-ichiro Obata, Jun Nomura, and Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Procs. of SICE Annual Conference 2010, pp.1076-1081, 2010
Nonlinear Compensation Method with Bang-bang Compensator for a High Precision Stage using Synchronous Piezoelectric Device Driver
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kazuya Sato , Sunao Sawada, Kouji Kosaka
The 11th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control March 21-24, 2010, Nagaoka, Japan, pp.1-6
A Comparison of Nonlinear Friction Compensations for a High Precision Stage using Synchronous Piezoelectric Device Driver
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kazuya Sato , Sunao Sawada, Kouji Kosaka, Klaus Schilling
Asian Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology 2009, 1E-10-2191
Nonlinear Friction Compensation for a High Precision Stage using Synchronous Piezoelectric Device Driver
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kazuya Sato, Nobuhiro Ushimi and Kouji Kosaka
Procs. of IEEE-ICIT09, pp.1162-1167, 2009
A High-Speed and High-Precision Position Control Using Sliding Mode Compensator
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kazuya Sato, Nobuhiro Ushimi and Takashi Fujimoto
IEEJ Trans. IA, Vol.128, No.9, 2008, pp1114-1120(Japanese)
Multi-segmaent Sliding Mode Control of Motion and Positioning for a Carriage System with Coulomb Friction
Takashi Fujimoto, Tkakeshi Nakahara and Kazuhiro Tsuruta
The 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control 2008
A Design of Robust Adaptive Control for Positioning Systems with Input Nonlinearties and Its Experimental Evaluations
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta and Takahiro Kikuchi
T.SICE, Vol.44, No.8, 2008, pp646-653(Japanese)
An adaptive H∞ control for robotic manipulators with input torque uncertainties and its experimental evaluations,
Kazuya Sato, Hiroshi Mukai and Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Procs of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications Part of 2008 IEEE Multi--Conference on Systems and Control, pp. 1226--1231, 2008
A robust adaptive control for parallel linear sliders using decoupling model,
Kazuya Sato, Takahiro Kikuchi and Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Procs of SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp. 848--853, 2008
An adaptive H∞ control for robotic manipulator with compensation of input torque uncertainty
Kazuya Sato, Hiroshi Mukai, Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Preprints of the 17th IFAC World Congress, pp. 8919--8924, 2008.
Approach to Stability Control of Mobile Robots Using Suspension Sensors on Non-Ideal Floors
Nobuhiro Ushimi, Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Proceedings of the 27th IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Identification, and Control 2008, pp250-255
High Precision Positioning Control for Table Drive System using PID Controller with Nonlinear Friction Compensator
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kazuya Sato, Takashi Fujimoto, Nobuhiro Ushimi
The 4th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century Fukuoka,7-9 November 2007,pp173-176
A Design of a adaptive H∞ control for positioning mechanism system with input nonlinearlities
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Tomoyuki Ishibe
16th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications Part of IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, Singapore, 1-3 October 2007, pp152-157
A robust adaptive control for robotic manipulator with input torque uncertainty
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Hiroshi Mukai
SICE Annual Conference 2007 Sept. 17-20, 2007, Kagawa University, Japan, pp1293-1298
A Study of Safety Control for Omni-directional Mobile Robots
Nobuhiro Ushimi, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Motoji Yamamoto
The 13th IASTED Int. Conf. on Robotics and Applications 2007, Germany, pp27-32
A Design of Adaptive Control for Systems with Input Nonlinearities and Its Experimental Evaluations
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Tomoyuki Ishibe
T.SICE, Vol.43, No.3, 2007, pp.221-226(Japanese)
Identification of the Mechanical Parameters for Servo Drive
Tae-suk Kwon, Seung-Ki Sul,Hiroshi Nakamura,Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Procs. of the IEEE/IAS 41st Annual meeting, 2006 Florida, USA
A design of adaptive control for systems with input nonlinearity and its experimental evaluation
Kazuya Sato, Tomoyuki Ishibe, Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Procs. of the SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006 Korea, pp.1806-1811
Motion Control of a Ball-Screw Slide Sysytem Via Multi-segment Sliding Mode Control Method
Takashi Fujimoto, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Yoshiyuki Uchida
The 8th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control 2006, pp.842-847
Adaptive H∞ control method with frictions compensation and disturbance rejection for robotic manipulators
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Procs. of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2006 Germany, pp.1031-1036
Adaptive H∞ control for Robotic Manipulators with Link Friction Compensation
Kazuya Sato, Daisuke Nisijima, Kazuhiro Tsuruta
ISCIE, Vol.19, No.1, 2006, pp.37-39(Japanese)
Adaptive Friction Compensation Control of Linear Slider with Considering a Periodic Reference Signal
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Akihito Shoji
IEEJ Trans. IA, Vol.125, No.11, 2005, pp1022-1029(Japanese)
High-Speed and High-Precision Position Control using Predictive Velocity Method
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Takashi Fujimoto, Wennong Zhang
Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.71, No.10, 2005, pp.1281-1285(Japanese)
Adaptive H∞ control of Systems with unknown dead-zone
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta
Procs. of the 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications Toronto, Canada, pp.1158-1163
Unknown Dead-zone Compensation for Non- linear systems using Adaptive H∞ control method
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta
The 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes 2005 Seoul, Korea
Adaptive Friction Compensation for Linear Slider Using Projection Adaptive Laws
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta
SICE Annual Conference 2005 in Okayama, pp.2211-2216
Adaptive H∞ control for Linear Slider with Friction Compensation
Kazuya Sato, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Akihito Shoji
Procs. of the 2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Monterey,California,USA, pp.1611-1616
Adaptive H∞ Control for Linear Slider with Friction Compensation using σ-modification strategy
Kazuya Sato, Yoshio Mishima, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kenichi Murata
Procs. of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications,Taipei, Taiwan, pp.794-799
A Design Method of Adaptive H∞ Control for Servo System with Friction Compensation using dead-zone modification strategy
Kazuya Sato, Yoshio Mishima, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kenichi Murata
IFAC Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing, and IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems, Yokohama, Japan, pp.373-378
Adaptive Positioning Control for Liner Slider with Friction Compensation
Kazuya Sato, Yoshio Mishima, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Kenichi Murata
T.SICE, Vol.40, No.2, 2004, pp.275-277(Japanese)
Nonlinear Friction Behavior of Discontinuity at Stroke End in a Ball Guide Way
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Teruo Murakami, Shigeru Futami
Procs. ASPE 2003 Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon, pp.243-246
Nonlinear Friction Behavior of Discontinuity at Stroke End in a Ball Guide Way
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Teruo Murakami, Shigeru Futami
Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.69, No.12, 2003, pp.1759-1763(Japanese)
Nonlinear Frictional Behavior at Low Speed in a Ball Guide Way
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Teruo Murakami, Shigeru Futami
Procs. International Tribology Conference Nagasaki 2000, pp.1847-1852
The Inertia Identification Method Eliminating the influences of Viscous Friction, Coulomb Friction and Constant Disturbance Torque in Motion Control
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Shigeru Futami, Hiroshi Nakamura, Teruo Murakami
Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.66, No.10, 2000, pp.1564-1567(Japanese)
High-speed positioning of industrial robot based on preview-learning control
Nobuhiro Umeda, Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Keisei Inoki
Advanced Robotics 2000
Genetic Algorithm(GA) Based Modeling of Non-linear Behavior of Friction of a Ball Guide Way
Kazuhiro Tsuruta, Teruo Murakami, Shigeru Futami, Tadasi Sumimoto
Procs. 6th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control 2000, pp.181-186
Patents (as an inventor)
(1) JP3152250: Preview controller using segment data (Japanese)
(2) JP3152251: Preview learning controller using segment data (Japanese)
(3) JP3158439: Preview controller (Japanese)
(4) JP3175877: Preview controller (Japanese)
(5) JP3185857: Motor controller (Japanese)
(6) JP3296527: Motor velocity controller (Japanese)
(7) JP3337058: Position controller (Japanese)
(8) JP3391378: Motor controller (Japanese)
(9) JP3391380: Apparatus for determination of control constant (Japanese)
(10) JP3457019: Contorting controller (Japanese)
(11) JP3550657: Motor controller (Japanese)
(12) JP3552988: Servo control method (Japanese)
(13) JP3561911: Motor controller (Japanese)
(14) JP3637597: Apparatus for determination of control constant (Japanese)
(15) JP3663446: Position controller (Japanese)
(16) JP3674653: Motor controller (Japanese)
(17) JP3818371: Motor controller (Japanese)
(18) JP3906668: Motor controller (Japanese)
(19) JP3982308: Positioning controller (Japanese)
(20) JP4053529: Motor velocity controller (Japanese)
(21) US5696672: Preview control apparatus
(22) US5726878: Prediction controller
(23) US5834912: Velocity controller
(24) SE587897: Prediction controller
(25) DE69325621.4: Prediction controller
(26) CN95195292.7: Velocity controller(Japanese)
(27) US6037736: Apparatus for determination of control constant
(28) KR267362: Prediction controller
(29) US6157156: Motor controller
(30) US6204622: Position controller
(31) TW132716: Motor controller
(32) DE69429663.5: Prediction controller
(33) DE69620597.1: Apparatus for determination of control constant
(34) GB827265: Apparatus for determination of control constant
(35) CN97181910.6: Motor controller
(36) KR342788: Prediction controller
(37) KR352024: Velocity controller
(38) KR374052: Apparatus for determination of control constant
(39) CN97182149.6: Position controller
(40) TW190564: Motor controller and method for measuring characteristics of mechanism
(41) KR437178: Position controller
(42) KR442034: Motor controller
(43) US6822415: Motor controller
(44) CN1810237.9: Motor controller
(45) US6992454: Motor controller and method for measuring characteristics of mechanism
(46) CN2807904.3: Motor controller and method for measuring characteristics of mechanism
(47) US7030588: Control constant adjusting apparatus
(48) US7050862: Servo controlling device and method
(49) US7187145: Motor controller
(50) CN2828582.4: Control constant adjusting apparatus
(51) DE967535: Position controller
(52) KR719660: Motor controller and method for measuring characteristics of mechanism
(53) KR728492: Motor controller