2015年度九州産業大学数学教室セミナー:アブストラクト 2015年11月25日(水)16:30--17:30 8206教室
講演者:西岡 昌幸(九州大学)
タイトル:「Embedding lifts of special generic maps into $R^3$」

A smooth map between smooth manifolds is called
a special generic map if it has only definite fold
points as its singularities.
Saeki-Takase studied necessary and sufficient
conditions for a special generic map into $R$ (or $R^2$)
to be factored as the composition of a codimension one
embedding (or immersion) and a projection.
In this talk, we study conditions for a special generic
map into $R^3$ to be factored as the composition of an
embedding and a projection for certain dimensions.
